Unemployment Insurance
If you have lost your job or had your hours reduced for reasons related to COVID-19
Partial wage replacement benefit payments to workers who lose their job through no fault of their own.
Ranges from $40-$450/week for up to 26 weeks
Paid Family Leave (PFL)
If you’re unable to work because you are caring for an ill or quarantined family member with COVID-19 (certified by a medical professional)
Up to six weeks of benefit payment to eligible workers who have a full or partial loss of wages because they need time off work to care for a seriously-ill family member.
... Read more »Local 896 members at Coke in San Leandro recently ratified their new four-year contract eight months early.
Improvements include significant increases in wages, pension, and health and welfare, Teamster 401K participation, ratification and signing bonuses, and zero concessions.
For the first time in both Coke and Local 896 history, the members here ratified the contract unanimously.
Special thanks go to Local 853 President Dennis Hart for his invaluable participation and the use of the local’s hall,
... Read more »In March, the members who work at Sysco Foods in Northern California and Nevada ratified a new six-year agreement that offers the largest economic settlement with the company in the nation. The negotiations took more than four months to complete, in large part due to the company’s aggressive attempt to remove language that protects working conditions. The offer was only possible because of a coordinated effort between the IBT Warehouse Division, Joint Council 7, and Locals 137,
... Read more »Teamsters Local 137 is proud to report that negotiations with Recology of Humboldt County has resulted in the best settlements ever. An addition to significant wage and pension increases, Recology agreed to pick up 100% of the premium on the Teamster health plan, a major new benefit.
Over the last two years, Recology acquired two independent waste companies in Arcata and Ferndale more than doubling the Local’s membership in Humboldt County. This was the first negotiations with the company since those members were successfully incorporated into the existing Recology contract.
... Read more »The park is open from 11am-7pm
Lunch will be from 12:30pm – 2:30 pm
$5 per person.
Space is limited so get your money in soon!
(Note: Picnic is on if public health guidelines permit)
... Read more »