Local 853

Local 853 website now available in Spanish

Teamsters Local 853 is reaching out more aggressively to the 30% of its 13,000 members who prefer Spanish as their primary language.

This was achieved this by converting the Local’s  website to be fully bilingual in Spanish. Additionally, Local 853 has added a Spanish preference option to email and text communications for its members.

Until now, those members largely depended on friends and coworkers to translate information for them. It was a major milestone for Teamsters Local 853.

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Teamsters build low-emission buses for ABQ Ride

GILLIG, America’s premier heavy-duty transit bus manufacturer, built by skilled unionized workers represented by Teamsters Local 853, proudly announces the delivery of the first batch of 35 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses to ABQ RIDE in Albuquerque, with plans for an additional 18 buses later in 2024.

This milestone highlights the collaboration between GILLIG and its dedicated union workforce. 

“Our members at GILLIG, with the strong support of the stewards committee,

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Unanimous ratification at Performance Food Group

In March, 80 Performance Food Group drivers in Gilroy assembled at the company to vote their first contract. It was a tremendous success as the members voted 100% YES in unity.

This has been a yearlong effort made by the I.B.T., Warehouse Division Director Tom Erickson, and Teamsters Local 630, all of whom graciously sent videos and supported these drivers through the entire process from UNION YES to RATIFICATION AT 100%.

We also want to thank the company for getting to a cooperative point in negotiations and doing the right thing for these drivers.

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United States Department of Labor Secretary Julie Su meets with Teamsters 853 members – lauds positive partnerships between Union and company

In a visit to GILLIG earlier this month, Labor Secretary Julie Su’s organization tweeted, “Our clean energy transition needs strong partnerships, including between workers and management.  Happy to meet with GILLIG to see their facility creating zero-emission buses, talk about their labor-management partnership, and see the benefits of employing unionized workers.”

The Biden Administration is focused on furthering its commitment to Unions across America as a pathway to worker success. This visit, and many others like it, further solidifies their commitment.

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Oakland Zoo keepers vote to join union

What happens when you have a motivated workforce, a solid organizing team, and connections with local politicians? The workers at the Oakland Zoo just found out when they voted on September 30 by a four-to-one margin to unionize. Teamsters Local 853 is proud to welcome the 55 zookeepers at the Oakland Zoo and looks forward to negotiating their first union contract.

“These workers demonstrated tremendous courage so they can get a contract that addresses the issues they care about – respect,

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National action for Sysco

Can you tell that it’s 108° out? Across the nation, unions turned out at restaurants serviced by Sysco to let Sysco’s customers know that the company is not bargaining in good faith. Unfortunately, Local 853’s assigned day was the hottest in human memory! Fortunately, that didn’t stop the intrepid staff from leafleting at Cheesecake Factory restaurants in Pleasanton and San Jose in August.

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Enlisting Facebook to help make Canon Business do the right thing

Getting a union is not easy, as the 50 workers who run the mail room for Meta, the parent company of Facebook, will attest. They work for a contractor called Canon Business Services. Back in the fall of 2021, they contacted Local 853 determined to gain union representation because, according to Business Rep Pablo Barrera, “the management team was unprofessional, disrespectful, and acting as bullies. Wages and benefits are generally poor and the company shows obvious favoritism for the paltry wage increases it does offer a few workers.

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New contract at Kelloggs

In 2021 and 2022, the workers at the Kelloggs facilities in Nebraska, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Kansas had to go on strike for up to three months to get a decent contract. When the contract at Kelloggs’ Eggo Waffle facility in San Jose was due to expire in June, that recent history was all too real for the 150 members and Business Rep Ray Torres. Fortunately, with two strike authorizations in hand, no strike was necessary and members got the best contract they’ve ever had.

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After pandemic delay, great contract for liquor salespeople

It may have taken over a year and a half, but the thousands of members across California who do sales for Southern Glazer Wine & Spirits & RNDC (formerly known as Young’s Market) ratified their richest contract to date. Local 853 alone has about 684 workers under this contract who received huge wage increases, full maintenance of benefits on their health and welfare, additional holidays, and more.

Business Rep Steve Beck was quick to acknowledge that the bargaining committee,

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UPS members learn about Amazon threat and what to do

“Ten years ago, there were zero Amazon warehouses in California,” said Shaun Martinez, from the IBT’s Strategic Research and Campaigns Department “Today, Amazon is the state’s largest employer.”

Speaking at a training about Amazon for about 100 Local 853 UPS members at the San Jose Teamster office on November 13, Martinez reviewed Amazon’s growth, from bookseller to major customer of UPS to now being UPS’ biggest competitor—already surpassing Fed-Ex’s market share.

The battle has already begun.

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