Unanimous ratification at Performance Food Group
April 30, 2024
Performance Food Group Local 853 members unanimously ratified their first contract.
In March, 80 Performance Food Group drivers in Gilroy assembled at the company to vote their first contract. It was a tremendous success as the members voted 100% YES in unity.
This has been a yearlong effort made by the I.B.T., Warehouse Division Director Tom Erickson, and Teamsters Local 630, all of whom graciously sent videos and supported these drivers through the entire process from UNION YES to RATIFICATION AT 100%.
We also want to thank the company for getting to a cooperative point in negotiations and doing the right thing for these drivers.
“With so many coming together to make this happen, these drivers were so excited to vote on this life-changing contract,” said Teamsters 853 Vice President Ray Torres.
“Big shout out to the contract committee, the I.B.T., International Vice President Tom Erickson, and Teamsters Local 630 for all the videos and support….and especially to Secretary-Treasurer Steve Beck who made the contacts, commitment, and resources available to hit a grand slam on this organizing drive,” said Torres.