Taking the fight to employers is what we do every day as Teamsters. Whether at the bargaining table or in the workplace, Joint Council 7 Local Unions hold management accountable and demand the respect members deserve. As a Joint Council, and as Teamsters across the country, it is imperative that we also dedicate the time, energy and resources necessary to organizing new members at non-union employers, particularly at big corporations such as Amazon whose business model is built on taking advantage of workers.
... Read more »As Teamsters we aren’t afraid of a fight, and as the election approaches, now is the time to make our voices heard in our fight against Big Tech. Greedy corporations want to replace working people with robots and Big Tech is pouring billions of dollars into a plan to outsource good middle-class jobs to machines run by artificial intelligence (AI). Their goal is simple, but disturbing. Big Tech wants to build AI machines to eliminate jobs so big business can outsource our jobs to robots—all with the self-serving goal of lowering labor costs to increase their already-excessive corporate profits.
... Read more »The work done on a day-in and day-out basis on behalf of Teamster members by the dedicated officers and business agents of the Local Unions that make up Joint Council 7 is what makes the Teamsters the strongest labor organization there is. Whether fighting for fair wages, negotiating quality affordable healthcare, protecting jobs, or demanding the respect members deserve through aggressive representation, this work makes a real difference in the lives Teamsters members across Joint Council 7.
... Read more »With over 100,000 Joint Council 7 Teamster members from 18 Local Unions working in both the public and private sector across Northern California, the Central Valley, and Northern Nevada, having strong Teamsters stewards is crucial to delivering strong contracts, aggressively enforcing those agreements, and further improving upon our workplace protections. And I can say with absolute confidence that the stewards from the Local Unions that make up Joint Council 7 are second to none when it comes to being strong leaders in the workplace and standing up for their Teamster co-workers.
... Read more »By Peter Finn —
With over 100,000 Joint Council 7 Teamster members from 18 Local Unions working in both the public and private sector across Northern California, the Central Valley, and Northern Nevada, having strong worksite leaders are crucial to delivering strong contracts, enforcing those agreements, and further improving upon our workplace protections. And I can say with absolute confidence that the stewards from the Local Unions that make up Joint Council 7 are second to none when it comes to being strong leaders in the workplace and standing up for their Teamster co-workers.
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Peter Finn, President