Local 533

Local 533 represents workers in a wide variety of industries across Reno and Northern Nevada. These include UPS and UPS Freight; trucking companies, school bus drivers, waste and recycling, ready-mix, liquor distribution, dairy, bakeries, and other food services, and many more.

Local 533 Membership Meetings

3rd Thursday of the month

Jan. 18, 6:00 PM
Feb. 15, 6:00 P.M.
March 21, 7:00 PM
April 18, 7:00 PM
May 16, 7:00 PM
June 20, 6:00 PM
July 18, 6:00 PM
Aug. 15, 6:00 PM
Sept. 19, 7:00 PM
Oct. 17, 7:00 PM
Nov. 21, 6:00 PM
Dec. 19, 6:00 PM
Gary Watson, Secretary-Treasurer, Principal Officer
Debbie Calkins, President
Chris Fuqua, Vice President
Nick Dees, Recording Secretary
Jean Prina, Trustee
Bobbie Brooks, Trustee
Michael Lansborough, Trustee
1190 Selmi Drive, #100
Reno, NV 89512
Phone: (775) 348-6060
Fax: (775) 348-1501