Local 150

Local 150 is a general Local representing a diverse membership in the following industries: UPS, Grocery Distribution, Trucking, Medical, Public Agency employees, Dairy, Beverage Distribution, Manufacturing, and others. Local 150 represents approximately 9,000 members in the Greater Sacramento Area.

Local 150 Membership Meetings

1st Wednesday of each month, 7:00 PM
7120 East Parkway
Sacramento, CA

Jan. 8 (due to holiday)
Feb. 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
June 4
July 2
Aug. 6
Sept. 3
Oct. 1
Nov. 5
Dec. 3
Dale Wentz, Secretary-Treasurer
Amber Williams, President
DeShawn Francis, Vice President
Dennis Lewis, Recording-Secretary
Manuel Fierro, Trustee
Zach Ellis, Trustee
Elias Hernandez, Trustee
7120 East Parkway
Sacramento, CA 95823
Phone: (916) 392-7070