Local 853

Dairy, construction, ready-mix, warehouse, liquor, bakery, building materials, newspaper printing, vending, concession, retail delivery, automotive, graphic communications, commuter shuttle, UPS, and more.

Local 853 Membership Meetings

7750 Pardee Lane, Oakland
2nd Thursday of the month, 7:00 PM

Jan. 9
Feb. 13
March 13
April 10
May 8
June 12
July 10
Aug. 14
Sept. 11
Oct. 9
Nov. 13
Dec. 11
Steve Beck, Secretary-Treasurer
Steven Lua, President
Ray Torres, Vice President
Mike Henneberry, Recording Secretary
Joel Belllison, Trustee
Gloria Segura, Trustee
Andrew Nunes, Trustee
7750 Pardee Lane
Oakland, CA 94621
Phone: (510) 895-8853
Fax (510) 895-6853