Local 665

Transportation, Auto Dealerships, Parking Attendants, Security Guards, Shuttle Drivers With offices in San Francisco and Sonoma, we represent members in Alameda, Lake Marin, Mendocino, San Benito San Francisco, San Mateo Santa Clara and Sonoma Counties.

Local 665 Membership Meetings

Santa Rosa
1371 Neotomas Ave., Santa Rosa
4th Tuesday of the month, 6:00 PM
Jan. 28
March 25
May 27
Oct. 28

3rd Tuesday of the Month, 6:00 PM
Dec. 16

San Francisco
150 Executive Park Blvd., San Francisco
4th Tuesday of the month, 6:00 PM
Feb. 25
April 22
June 24

3rd Tuesday of the month, 6:00 PM
Nov. 18
Summer Recess/No Membership Meeting
July, August and September
Tony Delorio, Secretary-Treasurer
Michael Yates, President
Florencio Sinogui, Vice President
Juan Gallo, Recording Secretary
Arthur Hilmoe, Trustee
Robin Terrell, Trustee
Will Thomson, Trustee
150 Executive Park Blvd. Suite 4400
San Francisco, CA 94134
415.347.7406 phone
415.347.7414 fax