Local 315

As a General Local our members are employed in a wide variety of industries, such as package handling and drivers at United Parcel Service (UPS), Solid Waste, & Recycling Collection, Freight Drivers, Grocery & Warehouse Distribution, Automotive Employees, Public Employees, Bus and Transit Drivers, Bread, Bakery Salesman and Transport Employees, Construction & Building Materials Workers, Ready Mix Drivers, and Office Administrative, just to name a few.

Local 315 Membership Meetings

2727 Alhambra Ave., Martinez
8:00 PM unless noted otherwise

Jan. 8
Feb. 12
April 9
May 14
July 9
Aug. 13
Oct. 11 (9:00 AM)
Nov. 12

445 Nebraska St., Vallejo
8:00 PM unless noted otherwise

March 12
June 14 (9:00 AM)
Sept. 10
Dec. 10
Don E. Garcia, Secretary-Treasurer, Principal Officer
Alberto Ruiz, President
Carlos Borba, Vice President
Lisa Logoteta, Recording Secretary
Pat Guy, Trustee
Jeanette Miller, Trustee
Trina Johnson, Trustee
Main Office
2727 Alhambra Avenue
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (925) 228-2246

Vallejo Office
445 Nebraska Street
Vallejo, CA 94590
Phone: (707) 643-0387