Teamster News

Freight drivers deserve better than a race to the bottom

Every day, millions of packages arrive at online shoppers’ doorsteps, after having traveled hundreds, even thousands of miles from ports to warehouses to delivery hubs and finally to homes. And in keeping with California’s climate goals, companies in the business of moving goods are being asked to cut greenhouse gas emissions in this heavy polluting sector.

However, freight and delivery companies are finding ways to pass on the responsibility of cleaning up fleets to individual drivers,

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RIP Mauricio Garcia – Allied Waste Services of Daly City

We are tremendously saddened and shocked to hear of the death of Brother Mauricio Garcia, who died on January 16, 2019 while performing his job with Allied Waste Services of Daly City. CalOSHA is investigating the cause of the incident.

Brother Garcia was an exemplary worker and loyal member of Teamsters Local 350 for 17 years. He worked side by side with his two brothers who are also long-time members. Their father was a Shop Steward at the same company for many years.

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15-day strike ends when members ratify new contract

On September 25, the Sun-Maid workers ended their 15-day  strike and returned to the job after reaching a new contract agreement with the corporation. The workers had been picketing for several weeks after negotiations between the company and the Teamsters union broke down.

The new agreement includes monthly medical contributions, competitive market wages, and increased pension contributions in the second and third year of the agreement.

“It’s about a nine-percent increase in value overall from the previous contract,” says Local 431 Secretary-Treasurer Peter Nuñez.

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ABG members stand strong for good contract


The members of Teamsters Local 150 who work at Avis Budget Group (ABG) recently ratified their richest contract ever—in Sacramento and perhaps in the nation.  “The Vehicle Service Agents (VSAs) are a strong and unified group at the Sacramento International Airport who were determined and fearless when it came to the negotiations,” says Business Agent Nancy Jones.

The negotiating process with the company began in a rather heated style, but neither Jones nor long-time Shop Stewards Kenny Peel or Salesh Prasad were willing to tolerate any antics.

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Members fight outsourcing at Marin General Hospital

The Teamsters 856 members in the Environmental Services (EVS) department at Marin General Hospital (MGH) take pride in keeping the hospital clean. Their work is critical to the patient care experience because they ensure the hospital is a comfortable place for patients to be seen and receive treatment.

Earlier this year, MGH management came up with a plan to pilot zone cleaning. But rather than extending the work to Local 856 members,

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Local 665 releases “push message” encouraging members and their families to vote


Monday, October 29, 2018

(San Francisco, Calif) – The 33-second message begins with images and voice over of Mayor London N. Breed at her recent Inauguration at San Francisco’s City Hall; her first day on the job.  After a brief iconic image of a San Francisco Cable Car, the message cuts to shots of Teamsters 665 members performing THEIR jobs: at Avis Rental Car, Chariot Transportation and at a city parking facility.

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Teamsters in solidarity with Marriott Hotel strikers

“One Job Should Be Enough” – that was the rallying cry for the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union who have been on strike for three weeks at Marriott Hotels in Oakland, San Francisco, San Jose, and around the nation. On Saturday, October 20, the HERE workers were surrounded by hundreds and thousands of supporters in a day of solidarity, and the Teamsters were there.

In the morning, about 1,000 people, including a sizeable Teamster contingent,

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Major Win for Ready Mix Drivers at 9th Circuit

The childish admonishment, “If you don’t like the law, change it,” emanated from a powerful, and red-faced general contractor who was having a “slight” disagreement down in Fresno with Local 853 Business Representative and International Representative, Stu Helfer. Evidently, Stu had stirred-up the ire of this particular contractor simply by demanding that Teamster work should go to Teamsters.

Most people would have dismissed the contractor’s harsh words as hyperbole … but not Stu.

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Teamsters push to keep Supreme Court’s landmark Dynamex decision

Dozens of Teamsters from locals throughout Northern California took part in a lobby day in Sacramento in August to push back on corporate efforts to overturn the state Supreme Court’s landmark Dynamex decision that goes far toward stopping misclassification of workers as “independent contractors.”

The California Chamber of Commerce and companies including Uber, Lyft, Instacart and Postmates, among others, have launched an intense lobbying effort against the Supreme Court of California’s April decision in the case of Dynamex Operations West,

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Union wins wrongful termination grievance

On June 6, 2018, after almost a year-long fight, the arbitrator in Jaime Rivera’s grievance ordered San Francisco-based Recology to immediately reinstate him with full seniority and make him whole for any wages and benefits lost as a result of his wrongful termination.

“The business agents were upfront, they said it would take a while. I had never been in a situation like this before, or in a trial or court setting. We’d start at 10:00 am and end at 7:00 pm.

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