Teamster News

California Teamsters take on Sacramento to call for end to worker misclassification

Teamsters from more than 15 local unions within California Joint Councils 7 and 42 took part in a hearing and lobby day in Sacramento in support of legislation to help end misclassification. The Lobby Day was sponsored by the California Labor Federation.

In April, the California Supreme Court’s landmark decision in Dynamex Operations West, Inc. vs Superior Court of Los Angeles, referred to as “Dynamex,” simplified the test for determining whether a worker is classified as an employee for minimum wage and overtime protections.

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Members fight to restore salary steps

Teamsters Local 2010, in coalition with its sister union at the CSU system, CSUEU, has co-sponsored legislation (AB 369 sponsored by Assm. Weber) to restore salary steps for CSU employees across the state.

“This is a fight to restore basic fairness for CSU workers,” says Jason Rabinowitz, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 2010. “Our hard-working CSU members deserve to receive step increases like every other worker in state service, and we will continue to bring Teamster power to bear until AB 369 is signed into law by Gov.

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Garden City Clerical – 100% Yes!

As the heart of Garden City and Milpitas Sanitation, the clerical unit is responsible for the accounts and is at the forefront of customer service as they answer customer questions and concerns. After months of negotiations, the nine members in this hard-working clerical unit voted unanimously to ratify a new 5-year contract that will raise wages, protect the employees, and reward them for the hard work they do every day.

Virginia Jimenez, an 18-year Teamsters Local 350 member,

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Big back pay settlement

When feeder drivers discovered that their pay for the New Year’s Day carry-over on January 2, 2018, was both late and incorrect, the Local filed a grievance.

After nearly a year’s worth of talks, the company agreed that the workers were, in fact, owed the money. In February, checks totaling more than $14,000 were distributed to the affected feeder drivers.

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Members help Butte County deal with animals after devastating fire

Last fall, devastating fires left families centered in Paradise, CA, displaced from their homes and communities with the monumental task of rebuilding. The Camp Fire was dubbed the worst in California history because of the tragic number of lives lost and structures destroyed.

In the midst of it all, pets and other animals were caught up in the confusion and often separated from their owners. To help manage this problem, employees from the City and County of San Francisco’s Animal Care &

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Welcome new members at Reddaway

Teamsters Local 439 is proud to announce that the six clerical workers at Reddaway’s Tracy trucking facility voted for union representation and have already ratified their first contract.

During the two-month organizing drive, the employer held captive audience meetings and brought in people from around the country to encourage a NO vote. But the women of the clerical unit had seen how the drivers worked with their union and didn’t buy the opposition hype.

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Teamsters Local 287 wins Cemex driver’s job back

Teamsters Local 287  has won a fired CEMEX Ready-Mix driver’s job back with back pay, benefits and no loss of seniority.

The company fired the driver, Eddie Venancio, on January 25, 2018 alleging that he had “an altercation on a job site” nine days earlier after his truck was struck by a driver of a dump truck on a jobsite. Business Rep George Netto filed a grievance and the parties agreed to hold a hearing before an arbitrator.

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Freight drivers deserve better than a race to the bottom

Every day, millions of packages arrive at online shoppers’ doorsteps, after having traveled hundreds, even thousands of miles from ports to warehouses to delivery hubs and finally to homes. And in keeping with California’s climate goals, companies in the business of moving goods are being asked to cut greenhouse gas emissions in this heavy polluting sector.

However, freight and delivery companies are finding ways to pass on the responsibility of cleaning up fleets to individual drivers,

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RIP Mauricio Garcia – Allied Waste Services of Daly City

We are tremendously saddened and shocked to hear of the death of Brother Mauricio Garcia, who died on January 16, 2019 while performing his job with Allied Waste Services of Daly City. CalOSHA is investigating the cause of the incident.

Brother Garcia was an exemplary worker and loyal member of Teamsters Local 350 for 17 years. He worked side by side with his two brothers who are also long-time members. Their father was a Shop Steward at the same company for many years.

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15-day strike ends when members ratify new contract

On September 25, the Sun-Maid workers ended their 15-day  strike and returned to the job after reaching a new contract agreement with the corporation. The workers had been picketing for several weeks after negotiations between the company and the Teamsters union broke down.

The new agreement includes monthly medical contributions, competitive market wages, and increased pension contributions in the second and third year of the agreement.

“It’s about a nine-percent increase in value overall from the previous contract,” says Local 431 Secretary-Treasurer Peter Nuñez.

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