Local 2010

CSU Teamsters make history

Skilled Trades Teamsters at the California State University system didn’t just win big with our latest 2023-2026 contract, we won historically big. 

“When CSU skilled trades workers joined Teamsters 2010, we set out to win back steps after decades of workers being left behind,” said Catherine Cobb, President of Local 2010. “Over five years, we took on the fight through member action, legislation, petitions, rallies and ultimately unprecedented statewide strikes—and we won!”

We staged the first statewide strike in Unit 6 history on Nov.

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CSU Teamsters Hold Unprecedented One-Day Statewide Strike!

The 1,100 Skilled Trades Teamsters at the California State University system made history on Nov. 14, 2023, with their first system-wide CSU strike. Picket lines started as early as 5:00 AM at 22 of the CSU’s 23 campuses plus the Office of the Chancellor as we protested the CSU’s multiple ongoing Unfair Labor Practices (ULP).

Our ULP strike, sanctioned by our fellow Teamsters and other Union workers, shut down construction sites, turned away deliveries,

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1,230 Workers at University of California Join Teamsters 2010

About 1,230 workers at the University of California (UC) joined Teamsters Local 2010 this summer. These newest members will now bargain for wage ranges, initial salary step placement, leave accrual conversions, shift differential pay, and title and pay advancement for Level 1 training positions.

“It’s great to be represented again! I feel secure knowing someone is fighting for us to receive better pay and protect our rights,” said Azalia Maldonado, a facilities management specialist at UC Berkeley.

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UC members ratify strongest-ever contract

After almost a year of bargaining, and hundreds of worksite actions across the state involving thousands of workers, Teamsters Local 2010 members in the statewide CX bargaining unit at the University of California (UC) overwhelmingly ratified our strongest-ever collective bargaining agreement. The CX Unit is made up of more than 14,000 clerical workers and administrative professionals at all UC campuses and medical centers across California.

The new contract provides for unprecedented, well-earned economic gains,

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UCSF dispatchers fight out-of-unit work assignments—and win!

When dispatchers at UC San Francisco Health received a “suggestion” from management that they shadow AFSCME-represented workers around UCSF hospitals, supposedly for professional development reasons, they knew something was wrong. They quickly called their union rep, who immediately got in touch with UCSF management.

While management tried to pretend that the new work being given to Teamsters dispatchers was purely voluntary and for workers’ benefit, our members knew better. We informed UCSF management that this back-door attempt to assign more work to Teamsters from another bargaining unit was completely out of line and AFSCME agreed.

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UC Teamsters are speaking out!

Local 2010’s Bargaining Team continues to meet with the University of California to negotiate a successor agreement for the CX Unit, which has been extended by mutual agreement through June 2022. While there are still many member rights articles pending, the union Bargaining Team made a wage proposal to the UC team on May 19.

Jamal Colter, Bargaining Team member from UC San Francisco, addressed the UC Board of Regents about the high cost of living and workers’ salaries not keeping up.

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UC Admin Officer 2 workers get salary increases, better pay ranges, and more

The Teamsters Local 2010 Bargaining Team for Administrative Officer 2 (AO2) workers held the line on improved salary ranges and step increases for AO2s across the state and came to a tentative agreement with the University of California in early March.

After more than a year of negotiations and 21 bargaining sessions, the agreement for this worker classification that became part of Local 2010 in late 2020, includes:

• 3% across-the-board pay increase,

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UC Irvine Teamsters ratify 16% raises over 3 years

UCI Skilled Trades Teamsters won a powerful new contract this month, including substantial across-the-board wage increases, equity wage adjustments, language improvements, and a significant recognition bonus. Of those voting, 94.1% said YES to ratify the agreement, guaranteeing better wages and treatment from the University.

Over the course of fighting for this contract, we stood together and took action like never before. As UCI stalled and low-balled the union month after month, members marched on the Chancellor,

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Robert Olson – CSU San Jose (Local 2010)

Robert Olson has worked as a facilities painter at San Jose State University for the last 18 years. He has been an active member of Local 2010 since the Teamsters began representing members on his campus about five years ago.

Robert’s job is to take care of the university. Besides painting the vast facility that includes 32 buildings and a new football stadium, he and his three co-workers also do drywall and stucco work,

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Starting strong in CSU negotiations, Teamsters demand raises for essential workers

Local 2010’s Skilled Trades Bargaining Team met with California State University (CSU) management in mid-August about reopening contract negotiations on wages and benefits, in accordance with our 2020 agreement that allowed such a reopening.

At the start of the pandemic, our Union worked to extend the current contract and focus on protecting jobs and pay during the tremendous challenges and uncertainties of the COVID-19 crisis. But our Bargaining Team also had the foresight to include language in our contract extension providing for the reopening of negotiations on wages and benefits as soon as CSU state funding returned to or exceeded pre-pandemic levels.

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