Local 2010

UC Admin Officer 2 workers get salary increases, better pay ranges, and more

The Teamsters Local 2010 Bargaining Team for Administrative Officer 2 (AO2) workers held the line on improved salary ranges and step increases for AO2s across the state and came to a tentative agreement with the University of California in early March.

After more than a year of negotiations and 21 bargaining sessions, the agreement for this worker classification that became part of Local 2010 in late 2020, includes:

• 3% across-the-board pay increase,

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UC Irvine Teamsters ratify 16% raises over 3 years

UCI Skilled Trades Teamsters won a powerful new contract this month, including substantial across-the-board wage increases, equity wage adjustments, language improvements, and a significant recognition bonus. Of those voting, 94.1% said YES to ratify the agreement, guaranteeing better wages and treatment from the University.

Over the course of fighting for this contract, we stood together and took action like never before. As UCI stalled and low-balled the union month after month, members marched on the Chancellor,

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Robert Olson – CSU San Jose (Local 2010)

Robert Olson has worked as a facilities painter at San Jose State University for the last 18 years. He has been an active member of Local 2010 since the Teamsters began representing members on his campus about five years ago.

Robert’s job is to take care of the university. Besides painting the vast facility that includes 32 buildings and a new football stadium, he and his three co-workers also do drywall and stucco work,

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Starting strong in CSU negotiations, Teamsters demand raises for essential workers

Local 2010’s Skilled Trades Bargaining Team met with California State University (CSU) management in mid-August about reopening contract negotiations on wages and benefits, in accordance with our 2020 agreement that allowed such a reopening.

At the start of the pandemic, our Union worked to extend the current contract and focus on protecting jobs and pay during the tremendous challenges and uncertainties of the COVID-19 crisis. But our Bargaining Team also had the foresight to include language in our contract extension providing for the reopening of negotiations on wages and benefits as soon as CSU state funding returned to or exceeded pre-pandemic levels.

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Felicisima “Emma” Horcabas – UC Davis Health System (Local 2010)

Felicisima Horcabas, also known as Emma, has worked at the University of California, Davis Health System for 25-plus years.

Her job title might be administrative assistant, but her work is interesting and diverse. She currently works at the UC Davis Chaplaincy Department, fulfilling requests from people of various faith groups asking for prayers, ceremonial healing, baptisms, blessings, etc. “I get to observe that religion crosses all races, genders, and cultures, and I get to schedule their meetings with their mutual faith group,” she says.

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Cal State workers negotiate COVID-19 leave pay

Local 2010’s bargaining team for CSU workers negotiated another round of leave benefits for members to help maintain their jobs and livelihoods. Teamsters working at CSU campuses throughout California will now have access to 256 additional paid leave hours for use between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2021. This is twice the amount going to other CSU bargaining units that don’t have similar settlement agreements.

“Our union agreed that we are past the emergent phase of COVID-19 and that maintaining all CSU workers’ base pay is critical through the remainder of this pandemic,” said Skilled Trades Director Drew Scott.

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Union welcomes 1,300+ new members

Teamsters Local 2010 is on a roll, winning union representation for more than 1,300 workers in the span of about a month in late 2020! First, over 1,000 Administrative Officer 2s won the right to Union representation with the Teamsters. Local 2010 staff and organizers worked hard to show the State Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) how the UC consistently misclassifies our bargaining unit work in order to deny overtime, layoff protections, and the benefits of a union contract.

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Local fights CSU layoffs

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Local 2010 has been fighting hard to protect members from suffering layoffs or other loss of income. The Local won paid administrative leave and prevented any layoffs of California State University members through the last fiscal year. For the current fiscal year, the Local presented CSU with a comprehensive proposal on alternatives to layoffs and pushed for additional federal and state funding for California higher education in light of economic losses due to stay-at-home orders and distance learning.

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UC Teamsters rally against layoffs

They say cut back, we say fight back!

Teamsters 2010 members joined sisters and brothers from fellow University of California unions in rallies against layoffs at UC San Francisco, Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, UCLA Santa Monica Hospital, UC San Diego on June 24 during lunchtime hours.

With their billions in reserves and many income streams, the UC should not make workers bear the brunt of the coronavirus economic impact.

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UC avoids layoffs throughout current academic year

In a meeting with the UC Office of the President (UCOP) on April 13, Teamsters 2010 leadership received positive clarification on two important issues concerning the UC’s approach to layoff and Administrative Time Off (ATO) due to the COVID-19 crisis for the coming weeks:

First, UC confirmed that the recently-issued policy of no COVID-related layoffs through June 30, 2020, means that career employees who are directed not to report to work onsite and are not able to telework,

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