CSU Teamsters Hold Unprecedented One-Day Statewide Strike!
January 29, 2024
The 1,100 Skilled Trades Teamsters at the California State University system made history on Nov. 14, 2023, with their first system-wide CSU strike. Picket lines started as early as 5:00 AM at 22 of the CSU’s 23 campuses plus the Office of the Chancellor as we protested the CSU’s multiple ongoing Unfair Labor Practices (ULP).
Our ULP strike, sanctioned by our fellow Teamsters and other Union workers, shut down construction sites, turned away deliveries, delayed traffic and asked students and the public to honor our strike lines, racking up the costs for the campuses. Our fellow CSU Unions, including the CSU Employees Union (CSUEU), the California Faculty Association (CFA), the Academic Professionals of California (APC), and UAW 4123, joined us at many locations, and we were proud to have students marching with us across the state. Student learning isn’t possible without our work maintaining classrooms, labs, and dorms, and student solidarity is a critical part of our fight.
“It’s been years. This is not the first time that they’ve been unfair to us,” said Debbie Elia, Local 2010 member and Facilities Project Supervisor at San Francisco State. “It’s been years of unfairness and we’re behind all the other trades locally, and across the state.”
CSU Skilled Trades Teamsters, including plumbers, electricians, carpenters, plant operators, HVAC technicians, auto mechanics, painters, metal workers and more, have been in negotiations with the CSU since January 2023. We’re fighting for fair wages and a restoration of salary steps that were eliminated for CSU workers in 1996. CSU Skilled Trades workers’ pay is 23 percent behind UC workers in the same counties who perform similar work. While step increases are standard for workers at other state agencies, many CSU Teamsters have been working for decades with no way to consistently move up from the bottom of our salary scale.
“Our members accomplished the unprecedented: we ran a powerful, effective strike across 23 CSU locations that had a huge impact on the University’s operations,” said Jason Rabinowitz, Local 2010 Secretary-Treasurer. “Now CSU must cease its unfair practices and bargain in good faith for the fair contract we deserve, or we are prepared to take even stronger action in the future!”
Our one-day strike was a huge success and got Teamsters fired up for our rolling solidarity strikes with CFA, held Dec. 4 through Dec. 7 at four CSU campuses. CSU Unions are united for fair pay from the CSU, and Teamsters are proud to be leading that fight!