News and Press

Drivers testify about autonomous vehicles

Drivers testified to the DMV at a January 27 hearing about their on-the-road concerns about the introduction of Autonomous Trucks without human drivers. Powerful stuff. This is not only about safety on the road for Teamster drivers and the driving public, it’s also about the future of good driving jobs in this country. Thanks to Assembly Member Cecilia Curry-Aguiar and Tom Lackey for introducing AB316; this bill will ensure that all vehicles over 10,000 pounds have a human operator.… Read more »

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Scholarships available now

The James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund is open now for applications. The fund awards $1,000 to $10,000 to high school seniors planning to attend a four-year college or university, and $500 to $2,000 for use at community colleges or trade schools. The scholarships are available to the sons, daughters, and financial dependents of Teamster members—including BLET, BMWED, and GCC members.

Deadline: March 1, 2023

For more information, visit

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Teamsters help lead union upsurge!

When Teamsters stand in solidarity with another union’s strike or picket, we make a huge difference. We’re America’s strongest union because our 1.2 million members do the work that keeps our country moving, and we wield that power to win fair treatment for our members and all working people. When we stand together and take action as Teamsters, we’ve got the power to stop deliveries, waste pickups, and all manner of transportation, until justice is served.

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Package drivers win massive award from delayed start time arbitration

In a major arbitration victory announced in November, Local 2785 UPS package drivers are getting justice after a long battle against the company for skimping on drivers’ overtime pay.

The fight began when the local filed a grievance in response to the company delaying drivers’ start times. Union persistence led to the recent ruling and a remedy of $1.6 million for approximately 1,100 members at UPS centers in San Francisco, Menlo Park, and San Bruno. 

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Joint Council appoints new political director

The Executive Board of Teamsters Joint Council 7 has appointed Trish Suzuki Blinstrub to the position of Political Director. 

Trish comes to Joint Council 7 with extensive experience in the political arena and with the Teamsters. She has worked with local, state, and federal elected officials to improve the lives of union members and has worked to pass or quell numerous ballot propositions that impact working families.

For the past 11 years,

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Teamsters take on Amazon – You can too!

Across the country, Amazon workers are uniting to demand changes at their work sites: increased pay, worker safety, and respect in their workplace, to name a few.  Joint Council 7 is not only standing in solidarity with these workers but also launching campaigns to organize Teamster members, community allies, and Amazon workers to join the struggle. 

Our community engagement program has focused on organizing facilities, as well as passing local policy guidelines that will put added pressure on Amazon. 

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UC members ratify strongest-ever contract

After almost a year of bargaining, and hundreds of worksite actions across the state involving thousands of workers, Teamsters Local 2010 members in the statewide CX bargaining unit at the University of California (UC) overwhelmingly ratified our strongest-ever collective bargaining agreement. The CX Unit is made up of more than 14,000 clerical workers and administrative professionals at all UC campuses and medical centers across California.

The new contract provides for unprecedented, well-earned economic gains,

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GreenWaste drivers and mechanics vote for union

The 40 drivers and mechanics at GreenWaste of Palo Alto in Santa Clara voted overwhelmingly in November to become Teamsters. This group will join the thousands of waste workers throughout the Bay Area already represented by Local 350.

“Ever since I started working for this company, I felt we needed representation. Everyone around us was doing better, with support, protection, and contracts, because they were Teamsters. It’s been a long time coming, but I’m proud that our unit stood strong to make this life-changing decision,” said Ricardo Hernandez,

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Local moves forward with Sysco

Locals 431 and 386 have negotiated for several months with Sysco Foods.  On Sunday, December 11, 2022, the Local presented the company’s most recent proposal to the Sysco employees.  Although the proposal was fair, Local 431 still feels that significant improvements are needed to wages, benefits, seniority, and the right to grieve procedures before recommending and securing the contract.  

“We have every reason to believe that Sysco has more to offer to their employees and we intend to bargain a better deal for our members,” said Mike Pratt,

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