Teamsters take on Amazon – You can too!
December 30, 2022
Across the country, Amazon workers are uniting to demand changes at their work sites: increased pay, worker safety, and respect in their workplace, to name a few. Joint Council 7 is not only standing in solidarity with these workers but also launching campaigns to organize Teamster members, community allies, and Amazon workers to join the struggle.
Our community engagement program has focused on organizing facilities, as well as passing local policy guidelines that will put added pressure on Amazon. For example, this past March, our labor and community allies came together in San Francisco to pass an 18-month moratorium on a logistics facility that Amazon was planning to use as a last-mile delivery station. This victory is a model of what we can do at the city and county levels in our fight against Amazon.
To begin organizing workers, we need to start with our base which is our own membership. Teamster sisters and brothers not only see Amazon delivery drivers when they’re out doing work but also know someone close to them that works for Amazon. We are working to identify these individuals to pinpoint specific workplace issues and also identify the worker-leaders that are ready to organize. We want to join the thousands of Amazon workers across the country that are engaging in site fights to demand improvements at their facilities.
We need your help! Amazon workers are everywhere and we want to talk to you and to them. Please fill out the Teamster Member Survey here if you know an Amazon worker or are ready to join our organizing drive.
Joint Council 7 is sponsoring an organizing training on January 23 in Oakland. Talk to your business rep if you’d be interested in getting involved in the campaign.