Author: Joint Council 7

Strong members lead to strong contracts at Budweiser, Coke

An extremely busy past six months have rewarded members in both Fairfield Budweiser and Coke San Leandro.

Budweiser members stood strong demanding job security protections and wages to compete with the rising economy.

This resulted in practice pickets and multiple solidarity actions. Stewards Matt Tonn, Michael Hunt, Jamie Simmons, Miguel Vega, Brian Cook and Kris Wiggins assisted with crafting and furthering proposals, conducting a strike authorization vote, coordinating strike schedules, enduring grueling travel schedules,

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500 SF public attorneys affiliate with Local 856

The San Francisco Municipal Attorneys Association (MAA) formally affiliated with 20,000-member Teamsters Local 856 in January. The association comprises 500 deputy district attorneys, deputy public defenders, and city attorneys serving the citizens of San Francisco.

The new members join Teamsters 856-represented public attorneys throughout Northern California, including in Alameda, Sonoma, Marin, and Mendocino counties, and the City of Santa Rosa.

“Teamsters 856 has a proven track record of winning and enforcing strong contracts for attorneys serving cities and counties across Northern California,” said Nathan Quigley,

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Persistance pays off in organizing new members

Local 70 recently had two successful organizing drives. The drivers and warehouse workers at Emerald Textiles reached out to Business Agent Henry Buchanan about joining our Local. Working conditions and pay were the issues at the top of their list. After a month-long election period, the workers voted unanimously to join Local 70. Henry is now engaged in contract negotiations with the company.

Local 70 has attempted many times to organize the warehouse workers at Pepsi in Hayward without success.

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Aggressive organizing grows Teamster power

Over the last several months, Local 137 has been busy organizing new units in both the public and private sector, including Weyerhaeuser Lumber, the City of Oroville (General Unit), the City of Oroville Police Supervisory Unit, Shasta County Mid-Management, Shasta County Marshals, Shasta County Supervisors, Shasta County Deputy Coroners, and the Butte County Mid-Managers.

We also have pending votes and ongoing organizing with the Butte County Skills and Trades, Butte County Air Quality Management District,

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Union expands density in soft industry

Sales and merchandise workers at Reyes Coca-Cola have voted 13-1 to join Teamsters Local 665. The victory comes on the heels of Local 665 successfully organizing a group of Pepsi workers in Santa Rosa last year; the two victories mark a significant expansion of the union’s presence in the Northern California beverage industry.

“This victory is a testament to the strength and unity of the people who are responsible for Reyes Coca-Cola’s success,” said Tony Delorio,

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CSU Teamsters make history

Skilled Trades Teamsters at the California State University system didn’t just win big with our latest 2023-2026 contract, we won historically big. 

“When CSU skilled trades workers joined Teamsters 2010, we set out to win back steps after decades of workers being left behind,” said Catherine Cobb, President of Local 2010. “Over five years, we took on the fight through member action, legislation, petitions, rallies and ultimately unprecedented statewide strikes—and we won!”

We staged the first statewide strike in Unit 6 history on Nov.

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Tony’s Fine Foods Teamsters to start negotiations

On February 27, Local 150 hosted a crucial meeting to address the upcoming contract negotiations with Tony’s Fine Foods. Under the ownership of United Natural Foods Inc., Tony’s Fine Foods delivers specialty grocery products to supermarkets across the country.

Notable attendees at this meeting included I.B.T. Vice President at Large Chris Griswold, I.B.T. Warehouse Division  Director and Central Region Vice President Tom Erickson, I.B.T. Director of Organizing Chris Rosell, and I.B.T. Western Region Vice President and Joint Council 7 President Peter Finn.

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Ridwell workers vote unanimously to join Local 350

Drivers and warehouse workers at Ridwell have voted unanimously to join Teamsters Local 350. Nationwide, workers at Ridwell are organizing to gain a voice at work and to improve pay, benefits, and working conditions. This is the fourth group of workers to join the Teamsters at Ridwell.

“I want to applaud this group for joining a growing number of workers at Ridwell who are organizing with the Teamsters,” said John Bouchard, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 350.

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GreenWaste Teamsters ratify first contract

Over 40 drivers and mechanics at GreenWaste of Palo Alto have overwhelmingly ratified their first collective bargaining agreement by a 97 percent margin.

The new four-year contract empowers workers at GreenWaste by giving them a voice on the job, a substantial wage increase, and enhanced benefits, notably a defined-benefit pension plan.

“I want to congratulate these workers for standing strong and securing a lucrative first contract,” said John Bouchard, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 350.

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