Teamsters hold presidential straw poll vote

Locals 70, 853, and 856 held a joint meeting on May 11, 2024, with each local conducting its own vote. The process was great, and our members expressed themselves. All political viewpoints were expressed and, more importantly, respected. All viewpoints were discussed from the floor, not the podium. The two longest dues-paying members in Local 70, totaling about 120 years, Chuck Mack and I, spoke from the floor. The point was made that we have to respect everyone’s political viewpoint but consider who will best represent our members, nothing else.

The overwhelming vote was for Joe Biden.

Right to work legislation: Biden would veto it. Trump sidestepped the issue.

Pension protection: Biden signed legislation protecting pensions, while Trump took no action.

Honoring picket lines: Biden is the only President to have participated in a picket line.

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): Biden has made appointments that are fair to labor, while Trump appointed anti-union members.

The list goes on. For the above-mentioned reasons, Chuck Mack and I endorsed Joe Biden, along with a large majority of those in attendance.

Local 70 will be taking our BBQ to all our terminals to encourage our members to register to vote and join DRIVE, the Teamsters’ political arm. We cannot use dues money for political donations; it has to be done on a voluntary basis. There are major issues facing us:

1. Driverless trucks

2. Automation

3. The business models of UBER, LYFT, and now Amazon involve individuals driving their personal vehicles. These companies do not pay any payroll taxes, Social Security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, state disability, health and welfare, or pension contributions. This situation poses a long-term risk as it results in reduced payments, utilization, and potential financial instability. It is crucial for everyone to contribute their fair share, particularly when these business models pose a threat to traditional job structures.

Long-term, this will jeopardize our tax structure, Medicare, Social Security, workers’ compensation, state disability, health and welfare, pensions, etc. The simple fact is that with fewer people paying and more collecting, they will all go broke. This business model is not only a threat to our jobs but also to our country. None of us like paying taxes, but they are necessary. Everyone needs to pay their fair share.

4. Ensuring the integrity of the Solid Waste franchise agreements is essential to safeguarding our members and their contracts.

We are looking forward to meeting with our members to discuss all issues in order to better protect them, their jobs, and their benefits.

–Marty Frates

Local 70 Secretary-Treasurer