News and Press

A Para Transit recognizes union

Whenever a new company wins the bid to provide services from a unionized company, it’s never a guarantee that the workers will be rehired and the union contract will be respected. Fortunately, all of that happened when Local 853 signatory employer MV Paratransit lost its contract with the City of Berkeley, and A Para Transit won it.

On June 1, the new company started their operation and offered work to all 22 of the existing MV drivers.

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Members in San Jose and San Francisco ratify agreements

The challenges of the economic downturn have made it difficult to push forward new proposals for improvements in working conditions in various industries. Nonetheless, Local 665 successfully negotiated deals at some high-profile locations that the membership approved.

Teamsters at San Jose International Airport (SJC) recently approved two separate contracts that include annual increases of 3.5% for hourly wages. Additionally, members will maintain their health benefit packages through the life of the four-year agreement.

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Delorio named to SF Film Commission

In February, just before the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily shuttered the entertainment industry, Local 665 President Tony Delorio was named to serve a three-year term on the San Francisco Film Commission by Mayor London Breed.

“There’s a long history of labor voices on the Commission,” Delorio said. “It’s important to continue that legacy by providing the perspective of rank-and-file workers who work long hours on production sets. I look forward to learning about the challenges that filming in San Francisco entails.

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Member pays tribute to veteran

Local 948 member and UPS driver Marcus Martinez parked on the freeway to salute a soldier being transported from Visalia airport to Hanford funeral home on June 16. “We are extremely proud of his tribute and thankful for all members who have served their country,” says Secretary-Treasurer Adam Ochoa.

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SRMA votes to affiliate with Teamsters

SRMA, an association of public employees in Santa Rosa, has voted to affiliate with Teamsters 856. The 135-member association, originally founded in 2009, includes professionals who work in public works, planning and economic development, housing and community services, recreation and parks, and other departments providing valuable services throughout the City of Santa Rosa.

The affiliation agreement means SRMA members will stand with 450 existing Santa Rosa Teamsters Local 856 members, and over 17,000 members represented by Local 856 throughout Northern California.

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