News and Press

Historic victory: Bay Cities and Bayview members ratify groundbreaking contract

Local 315 is thrilled to announce a historic victory for our dedicated members at Bay Cities Refuse and Bayview Refuse Recycling! Serving the Southern Marin area and Kensington, these members have ratified a groundbreaking contract that marks a significant milestone in our union’s history.

This monumental achievement would not have been possible without the tireless dedication and hard work of our bargaining committee. Their commitment and perseverance have been instrumental in securing great wages,

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Local 853 shows solidarity with Costco employees nationwide

In May, in Virginia, Costco employees did something no Costco location has done in 20 years. They voted to join the Teamsters.

Nationally, many workers at Costco believe that the corporate culture has been changing for the worse. This change has made it more difficult to get good jobs with good benefits at Costco. So, the only option workers have to improve their situation is to begin to organize at Costcos around the nation.

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Waste Management members win significant pay increases, improved benefits

Members of Teamsters Local 533 have overwhelmingly ratified a new five-year collective bargaining agreement with Waste Management. The contract covers over 250 workers who service the communities of Lyon, Storey, and Washoe counties.

“I want to congratulate our members and the negotiating committee for their unity and perseverance, which ultimately secured such a strong contract,” said Debbie Calkins, Secretary-Treasurer of Local 533. “Our members stuck together and won life-changing wage and pension increases,

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Raley’s Grocery Warehouse Teamsters ratify new agreement; Rejoin Western Conference Pension Trust after 35-year hiatus

Nearly 300 Local 150 grocery warehouse workers in Sacramento have overwhelmingly ratified a new collective bargaining agreement that marks their return to the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust (WCTPT) after a 35-year absence. The ratification vote saw nearly 90% of the voters in favor of the new 5-year deal, which follows four months of negotiations.

“This agreement is a major victory for our members, who have been seeking to rejoin the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust for more than three decades,” said Dale Wentz,

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Contract knocks it out of the park for Oracle Park Teamsters 665 members

We are thrilled to announce a landmark achievement for our members at Teamsters Local Union 665. After tireless negotiations, we have secured an unprecedented contract for stadium event parking — setting new standards nationwide.

This groundbreaking contract includes:

  • Highest wages and working conditions in the country.
  • Three-year duration for stability and security.
  • Eliminated tiered hourly wages. All classifications (Valets, Cashiers, and Traffic Directors) brought up to the highest wage followed by additional 5.5% annual wage increases.
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