Policy and Politics

When we vote, we win!

Election season is upon us once again and your Locals have been hard at work these past couple months interviewing and vetting candidates to determine which ones will be supportive of Teamster issues. We’ve interviewed candidates running for positions as high as the US Senate down their local water board district and everything in between.

We talked to candidates about why they want the Teamsters to support them, what their views are on supporting Unions during contract negotiations,

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Legislation is Critical to Protecting Worker Free Speech, Keeping Calif. Streets Safe

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) – Three Teamsters-supported bills that would ensure greater freedom of speech and safety for Californians have cleared procedural votes in the Assembly and Senate Appropriations Committees – as well as their chambers of origin – and now head to floor votes. The bills include autonomous vehicle safety legislation in both Assembly Bill 3061 (AB 3061) and Assembly Bill 2286 (AB 2286),

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Solidarity is our superpower

Teamwork makes the dream work. The past few months have shown us how much working together and supporting each other is our true source of power as Teamsters. Our Joint Council has shown up on a political and legislative level to promote our California Automotive Regulatory Standards (CARS) Package of legislation, which would provide safeguards and regulation for autonomous vehicles (AV).

Our CARS package consists of AB 2286, which is our reintroduction of AB 316 that would require a safety operator for any vehicles over 10,000 lbs;

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Every Teamster vote counts

As we watched the election results come in, we were reminded just how much every vote counts. The March Presidential Primary had incredibly low turnout. That means there will be races won by very narrow margins. That also means every Teamster vote counts in a much bigger way.

This past election cycle, we endorsed candidates running for county Board of Supervisors, City Council, State Assembly, State Senate, and Congressional seats. Each of our Locals in their respective territories interviewed hundreds of candidates and chose those who we felt best aligned with our Teamster priorities.

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SB 915 Will Protect Good Jobs, Public Safety from Dangerous Autonomous Trucks and Cars

(SACRAMENTO, Calif.) – California Senate Bill 915 (SB 915), a Teamsters-supported bill that will allow the state’s local governments to regulate autonomous vehicles (AVs), passed overwhelmingly today in the State Senate Local Government Committee.

“The Teamsters commend the Senators on the Local Government Committee who supported this bill to protect public safety and good union jobs,” said Chris Griswold, Teamsters International Vice President At-Large and President of Teamsters Joint Council 42“Right now, local communities have zero control over the dangerous autonomous vehicles on their roads. SB 915 will help fix this broken system and keep our communities safe by giving municipalities a voice in the deployment of AVs.”

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(SAN FRANCISCO) – Teamsters, along with a coalition of local building trades, the Sierra Club, San Francisco Labor Council, and community groups, have secured a landmark policy requiring public review of any new warehouse proposal by e-commerce companies like Amazon in San Francisco. 

The first-of-its-kind policy is the most significant action taken by a U.S. city to address the rapid expansion of warehouses and last-mile delivery operations that have a direct and significant impact on jobs, air pollution, and traffic.

“San Francisco is a union town, and along with our coalition partners and the elected officials that stood with us, the leaders of Teamsters local unions in San Francisco led the way in passing this landmark legislation,” said Peter Finn, President of Teamsters Joint Council 7. “Their work will make a real difference in ensuring companies like Amazon can’t profit from exploiting workers and our local communities.” 

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March 2024 City & County Election Endorsements

Below are our Teamsters Joint Council 7 endorsements for the March 5, 2024, Primary Election. Each candidate has gone through an extensive vetting process with each impacted Local in their respective jurisdiction or has a proven track record of standing with the Teamsters. We do not base our endorsements on party, but rather those who have the same pro-worker beliefs as we do and will advocate for Teamsters workers on a federal, state, and local level.

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If we’re David & Big Tech is Goliath, we can win with our slingshots & stones


‘Tis the season to keep fighting. As you are all aware, Gov. Gavin Newsom showed his true colors with a late Friday night veto of AB 316, our proposed legislation that Autonomous Vehicles weighing more than 10,000 have a human safety operator. Are we angry and disappointed? Of course we are! But that just means we’ll fight even harder to ensure that we keep our streets safe and protect good freight driving jobs.

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It’s not the political party that matters — it’s how they show up for WORKERS

The summer has come and gone, and we are moving full throttle ahead in Joint Council 7. We’ve started our endorsement process, and I’m proud, excited, and everything in between over how much enthusiasm and ownership each of our Locals have shown in making sure we have a voice in the political arena. These early relationships pay off in big ways for us in paving our future. We need to elect and support candidates that support workers,

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Teamsters Slam Cruise CEO for Plan to Eliminate Human Operator Jobs

The Teamsters are condemning Kyle Vogt, CEO of autonomous vehicle (AV) company Cruise, for openly planning to displace drivers during an investor call last week. Vogt made the statement in response to a question from an analyst at an investment banking firm. The analyst asked about Cruise’s plans for expansion should a proposed policy change favoring the AV industry take effect in San Francisco.

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