Tag: Dynamex Operations West v. Lee

Sometimes the Best Strategy Is To Do Nothing

It’s not unusual for California State Senators and Assemblymembers to encounter Joint Council 7 Teamsters standing shoulder to shoulder along the halls of the State Capitol or having them cram into their tiny legislative offices. In fact, senior legislators and staffers will tell you that JC7 has been a major lobbying force in Sacramento for decades, whether it be introducing new legislation, supporting existing legislation or protesting anti-labor policies.

It is, however, extremely rare when our loud and powerful voice demands that legislators do nothing.

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The case that has all of Silicon Valley shaking in its boots

The California Supreme Court issued a crushing blow to the “gig economy” in a late-April ruling.  In Dynamex Operations West v. Lee, the Court imposed a standard that will make it much harder for employers to escape state employment standards by calling their workers “independent contractors” when there is little to nothing “independent” about their work.

Dynamex is a nationwide package and document delivery company (for Home Depot and Office Depot among others),

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