Anthony (Tony) Sanders, Sr. — New South Parking SFO (Local 665)

For 27 years, when Anthony (Tony) Sanders, Sr. has not been playing Santa Claus, he’s been working as a cashier at New South Parking at the San Francisco Airport. A member of Local 665, Tony has served as a shop steward for the last 18 years.
What’s great about the job, he says, is that while “it’s the same job every day, there’s something new and different every day and I meet different people every day.” It’s the people who keep it interesting.
Tony takes great pride in having had the opportunity to help negotiate the last five contracts with this company. “I appreciate knowing I have been able to assist with helping every single member here at SFO,” helping them to get “fair wages, a great medical plan, and an awesome pension.”
For Tony, being in a union is in his blood. “I grew up in the union and I wouldn’t work anywhere that wasn’t union. Both of my grandfathers were in the union, as well as my father, my two brothers, and my son.”
When talking to fellow union members, Tony has one key message: “The more involved we all get, the stronger we become and the better off we will be.”