Food processing members ratify strong contracts

Local 856 members at Sunsweet Growers in Yuba City voted overwhelmingly to ratify their new agreement.

Teamsters 856 members working at Sunsweet Growers in Yuba City and San Benito Foods in Gilroy are enjoying the benefits of their recent hard-fought contract wins.

At Sunsweet, where more than 400 members work in not only the sorting, pitting, juicing, packaging, and shipping of prunes, but also in maintenance, as electricians, forklift operators, sanitation, and more, the battle for a fair agreement was an uphill climb that included an overwhelming strike vote after the employer made a substandard offer earlier this year.

When the members resoundingly rejected the employer’s offer, the parties returned to the table, and with the assistance of a mediator, reached an equitable agreement.

“We would not settle for a contract unworthy of our members,” said Local 856 President Maria Ashley Alvarado, who served as lead negotiator.  “I am happy to report that we ratified an agreement that — in the words of the members — ‘is the best contract ever negotiated’,.”

“This contract provides for the highest wages ever negotiated in addition to stronger seniority rights, generous sick leave, and a mechanism to avoid attendance points,” Alvarado continued.

The contract also maintains affordable healthcare and improved sick leave and vacation policies.

“This was one of the toughest negotiations that I have experienced, but our Teamster bargaining committee, Jose Castaneda, Barry Anderson, and Levi Smith, did an amazing job holding the line — it is because of their dedication and the solidarity of the membership that we were able to achieve a contract that reflects the hard work of Sunsweet Teamsters,” Alvarado said.

The San Benito Foods bargaining committee stood together to ensure that no one was left behind.

Nearly 200 miles south, Local 856 members at San Benito Foods in Hollister similarly ratified a strong Teamster contract in June. The tomato plant membership, which grows to 500 members during peak season, stood strong against the employer in the face of repeated inadequate offers.   

“I am very happy at what we won – this is a very good contract for us workers,” said Shop Steward and Bargaining Committee Member Aurora Alvirde.

The new contract includes significant wage increases, shift differentials, additional floating holidays, improved sick leave language, and more.

“I am most proud that we were able get something for every group we represent, including seasonal and year-round workers,” said Bargaining Committee Member and Shop Steward Alex Macias, who has been at San Benito Foods for 36 years.

“The bargaining committee was focused and incredibly engaged,” said Local 856 Representative Veronica Diaz, who led negotiations. “This was the largest committee we’ve ever had, with both seasonal and year-round classifications at the table. They stood together and fought for each other, ensuring that every single member got the same raise each year of the contract.”

Local 856 represents 10,000 members working in in all aspects of food processing across Northern California. Additionally, Local 856 Principal Officer Peter Finn serves as the Teamsters National Food Processing Division Director, which encompasses 75,000 North American workers who prepare, process, and move just about every kind of food found at the grocery store.

“The fortitude of our worksite leaders, bargaining committees, and rank and file membership are what make negotiating and enforcing strong contracts possible,” said Finn. “It is because of our members’ willingness to outlast the other side and fight smart that we can deliver agreements that are representative of the hard work they do every day to ensure there is food on our tables.”