CBD and positive drug tests

Marijuana is legal in California, but that doesn’t mean that it’s accepted by employers. Some workers use CBD oils as a way to get the same benefits without the high, but that could backfire in a drug test.

CBD is the acronym for cannabadiol, a compound found in cannabis, and has gained popularity over the last few years for its therapeutic properties. Advocates claim to see positive changes when dealing with muscle and joint pain, anxiety, seizures and a number of other issues. Although almost all CBD products claim to have under 0.03% THC, which is classified as hemp, the products remain unregulated. This leaves reported THC levels unreliable.

The dosing of CBD oil brands is not standardized, with some recommending a much higher dose than others. This can be problematic for employees who are subject to drug testing in the workplace. Those who use the suggested serving size may test positive for THC even if taking the product as suggested on the label.

This is also the case with vaping CBD oil. If the vape’s CBD oil contains THC, then smoking a CBD vape pen can result in a positive test for THC. Since doses aren’t standardized or FDA-regulated, then the amount of THC actually in the product can vary from what the label says.

Common reasons for a positive drug test

1. Using a CBD product that contains THC. This is the most common reason for a failed drug test when using CBD. This could be because a person buys a low-quality product that does contain a small amount of THC. Most manufacturers will claim their products do not contain THC, but this is not always accurate.

2. Cross-contamination of THC. Very small amounts of THC present in the material that CBD is extracted from can get into the CBD oil in high enough amounts to result in a positive test. This can happen when CBD oil is purchased from cannabis dispensaries.

3. Mislabeling of products. CBD oil extracted from the hemp plant is not supposed to have more than .03% of THC. But it is not uncommon for sellers to mislabel their products as THC-free hemp when in reality it’s a low-quality oil extracted from marijuana, which contains THC. The reason for the mislabeling of products is that CBD products are not strictly regulated by the FDA.

Things to Consider

If you take CBD oil, there are measures you can take to try to prevent failing a drug test.

Do thorough research to ensure the product you are using is pure and that the company is legitimate.

Ensure that the CBD oil is an isolate product extracted from a viable industrial hemp supply, and is not a low-quality tincture.

Ask questions about product processing techniques and the possibility of cross-contamination.

To summarize, chances of getting a positive result for THC on a drug test from CBD oil should be extremely low from pure CBD oil containing less than .03% THC. But because CBD oil is not well regulated, there is no guarantee that a product contains pure CBD oil, or even that its concentration is at a safe and effective level.

It is wise to use caution and do research when purchasing CBD oil, especially if you will be subject to drug testing.