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Serving 100,000 men and women in 18 local unions
in Northern California, the Central Valley, &
Northern Nevada

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—Trina Johnson, United Parcel Service

I’m a gal in brown. With the uniform that you wear, you’re proud. During the pandemic, when everyone was in shutdown, we were out there, bringing good things.

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Our Local Unions

Our members work for freight and delivery companies; they also work in construction, dairy, beverage, food processing, parking, solid waste/recycling, hotels, shuttle bus driving, schools, public services, and many other industries.

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The Teamster Difference

Teamsters stand ready to organize workers who want to bargain collectively; Teamster membership provides workers with a voice on the job.

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Member Profiles

Alicia Flores – UC Berkeley Labor Center (Local 2010)

Steeped in the labor movement

Alicia Flores not only works as a Program Coordinator for the UC Berkeley Labor Center, she is also a steward and chapter coordinator for Local 2010.

Her work is varied and exciting. In addition to coordinating the leadership development program for union and community organization staff and members that offers a series of seminars and multi-day programs throughout the year, she also runs the Labor Summer Internship Program. Twenty-five students will get trained in the basics of unions and then they’ll be assigned to work for eight weeks out in the field with unions and community organizations;

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President's Report

Taking the fight to Amazon for all Teamsters

Taking the fight to employers is what we do every day as Teamsters. Whether at the bargaining table or in the workplace, Joint Council 7 Local Unions hold management accountable and demand the respect members deserve. As a Joint Council, and as Teamsters across the country, it is imperative that we also dedicate the time, energy and resources necessary to organizing new members at non-union employers, particularly at big corporations such as Amazon whose business model is built on taking advantage of workers.

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