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Serving 100,000 men and women in 18 local unions
in Northern California, the Central Valley, &
Northern Nevada

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—Trina Johnson, United Parcel Service

I’m a gal in brown. With the uniform that you wear, you’re proud. During the pandemic, when everyone was in shutdown, we were out there, bringing good things.

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Our Local Unions

Our members work for freight and delivery companies; they also work in construction, dairy, beverage, food processing, parking, solid waste/recycling, hotels, shuttle bus driving, schools, public services, and many other industries.

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The Teamster Difference

Teamsters stand ready to organize workers who want to bargain collectively; Teamster membership provides workers with a voice on the job.

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Member Profiles

John Johnson — United Airlines Maintenance Base, San Francisco International Airport (Local 856)

Teamsters Pride at SFO

John Johnson grew up understanding the value of a union job. “I’m what’s referred to as a ‘legacy’,” he said. “My father was a machinist at United. I needed a good job and it was union job with good benefits and good pay.”

When John began working at United Airlines in the San Francisco International Airport, the benefits he received were critical for his family.

“I was a single father at the time,

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President's Report

Joint Council 7 Local Unions: Driving force behind Teamster strength

With over 100,000 Joint Council 7 Teamster members from 18 Local Unions working in both the public and private sector across Northern California, the Central Valley, and Northern Nevada, having strong Teamsters stewards is crucial to delivering strong contracts, aggressively enforcing those agreements, and further improving upon our workplace protections. And I can say with absolute confidence that the stewards from the Local Unions that make up Joint Council 7 are second to none when it comes to being strong leaders in the workplace and standing up for their Teamster co-workers.

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