in Northern California, the Central Valley, &
Northern Nevada
I’m a gal in brown. With the uniform that you wear, you’re proud. During the pandemic, when everyone was in shutdown, we were out there, bringing good things.
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Our Local Unions
Our members work for freight and delivery companies; they also work in construction, dairy, beverage, food processing, parking, solid waste/recycling, hotels, shuttle bus driving, schools, public services, and many other industries.
The Teamster Difference
Teamsters stand ready to organize workers who want to bargain collectively; Teamster membership provides workers with a voice on the job.
Member Profiles
For 36 years, Greg Doench has been a package car driver for UPS, first in Concord and then in Oakley. What he enjoys most about his work is being outside and being active.
“My job allows me to work in the city I grew up in and that I still reside in,” he says thinking about the residential route he’s had for the past 18 years. “I get to see a lot of people that I grew up with,
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As Teamsters we aren’t afraid of a fight, and as the election approaches, now is the time to make our voices heard in our fight against Big Tech. Greedy corporations want to replace working people with robots and Big Tech is pouring billions of dollars into a plan to outsource good middle-class jobs to machines run by artificial intelligence (AI). Their goal is simple, but disturbing. Big Tech wants to build AI machines to eliminate jobs so big business can outsource our jobs to robots—all with the self-serving goal of lowering labor costs to increase their already-excessive corporate profits.
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