in Northern California, the Central Valley, &
Northern Nevada
I’m a gal in brown. With the uniform that you wear, you’re proud. During the pandemic, when everyone was in shutdown, we were out there, bringing good things.
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Our Local Unions
Our members work for freight and delivery companies; they also work in construction, dairy, beverage, food processing, parking, solid waste/recycling, hotels, shuttle bus driving, schools, public services, and many other industries.
The Teamster Difference
Teamsters stand ready to organize workers who want to bargain collectively; Teamster membership provides workers with a voice on the job.
Member Profiles
Kyle Jump started working at Certified Grocers in 1983. After many years, that company became Unified Grocers and, about a year ago, was bought up by SuperValu. Kyle’s dad worked at Certified and Kyle followed him into the warehouse. When Kyle started there, he got a job at the bottom, working as an order selector. Since then, he says he’s done every job, most recently working as a forklift driver. “The work is great. But what’s best is the friends I’ve made,
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Taking the fight to employers is what we do every day as Teamsters. Whether at the bargaining table or in the workplace, Joint Council 7 Local Unions hold management accountable and demand the respect members deserve. As a Joint Council, and as Teamsters across the country, it is imperative that we also dedicate the time, energy and resources necessary to organizing new members at non-union employers, particularly at big corporations such as Amazon whose business model is built on taking advantage of workers.
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