Rank & File Members Driving Force Behind Teamster Strength
February 5, 2024By Peter Finn —
With over 100,000 Joint Council 7 Teamster members from 18 Local Unions working in both the public and private sector across Northern California, the Central Valley, and Northern Nevada, having strong worksite leaders are crucial to delivering strong contracts, enforcing those agreements, and further improving upon our workplace protections. And I can say with absolute confidence that the stewards from the Local Unions that make up Joint Council 7 are second to none when it comes to being strong leaders in the workplace and standing up for their Teamster co-workers.
As we begin the new year, on behalf of the entire Joint Council 7 Executive Board, I want recognize and acknowledge our Teamster brothers and sisters who have answered the call and have stepped up as leaders to preserve, protect, and improve their Teamster co-workers’ rights on the job. Teamster stewards act as protectors, enforcers, mediators, negotiators, organizers, and more. Simply put, our worksite leaders and rank and members are the key driving force behind our power as Teamsters. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every steward and rank and file member for their work, sacrifice, and dedication to keeping our union strong.