New contract for Sonoma Recology members
December 23, 2022
Teamsters employed at Recology— Sonoma County’s largest solid waste and recycling company—ratified a new five-year collective bargaining agreement by a more than two-to-one margin, after sending back a previous management offer members deemed as unfair and substandard.
“These men and women performed as an essential workforce during the pandemic,” stated Local 665 President Mike Yates. “They knew it was time to be recognized for the important work that they do, and that includes economic improvements that adequately support working families.”
Recology Teamsters in Sonoma County will now enjoy wage improvements slated to increase by 30% over the life of the five-year agreement. Pension increases, maintenance of the health plan, and three additional holidays are also included in the new contract.
“Solid waste and recycle Teamsters make sure that Sonoma County has dependable and sanitary pick-up at every home and business”, said Juan Gallo, Local 665 recording secretary. “By remaining united during these negotiations, workers have demonstrated again that solidarity gets results.”