Keeping the car rental agencies honest at SFO
March 10, 2018
Local 665 members rally at SFO on February 12
The three major car rental agencies at San Francisco Airport (Hertz, Avis and Enterprise—which collectively own all the other major agencies) are all union—signatory either to Local 665 or 856. One of the three is trying to get the employees to decertify the union. “We’re not going to name the agency at this point, but we’re working to fight that off,” says Local 665 Vice President Chuck Andrew.
The rental car agencies operate under a lease agreement with San Francisco, which requires that the employers at SFO maintain labor peace and labor harmony. “This particular employer has twice before tried to come after Local 856 and now they’re coming after us,” explains Andrew. “We held a rally on February 12 to call for a hearing of the Airport Commission and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. With the active decert campaign, this employer is in violation of the City’s labor peace agreement and should be evicted from the airport unless they back off the campaign.”
Local 665 represents about 450 of the workers in the car rental industry at SFO. “We want to keep all of those workers in the union to keep the standards high for the industry. We’re working with City Hall to increase the Minimum Compensation Ordinance (MCO), and we hope to extend the prevailing wage to the rental car workers, as well” Andrew said.