Best-ever new contract for SF parking workers
October 21, 2022
More than 1,200 union members who work in the parking industry in San Francisco’s commercial and hotel sector announced unanimous approval of a new 4-year agreement slated to provide the best wages and benefits in that industry, nationwide.
“We’re very proud of this agreement,” said Tony DeIorio, Principal Officer of Teamsters Local 665. “It will continue to provide economic security and job protections for workers at nearly 300 off-street parking locations in our City.”
The worksites include most major office buildings, hotels, and all municipal garages. “This is a great agreement,” agreed 45-year member of Teamsters Local 665 Steve Garcia. “I always tell the members, if we stick together, we win.” The new agreement includes annual hourly wage increases, maintenance of the union health plan, improvements in retirement plans, vacation, sick pay as well as an additional holiday. “We demanded the inclusion of Juneteenth in the contractual holiday schedule, and the employers agreed,” Delorio added.
The off-street parking garage industry is evolving, with electric charging stations scheduled for installation in the coming months. “Our members are excited about the new work coming their way. With electrification coming, their jobs will remain an essential part of San Francisco’s commercial sector,” said Delorio.