Members ratify new San Francisco parking agreement
December 20, 2018Local 665 members have ratified a new four-year multi-employer agreement covering parking operations at San Francisco’s commercial office buildings, major hotels and municipal facilities.
“We are pleased with the offer and the members approved this contract in a nearly unanimous vote” said Local 665 Vice President Tony Delorio.
The new offer includes hourly wage increases each year for each classificatio, protections for the current health plan and improvements in the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension.
The multi-employer group included IMPARK, California Parking, SPplus, and LAZ Parking. Employers outside of the group include ABM Industries, PCI, and ProPark. These employers are expected to “me-too” the muliti-employer agreement after the city-wide ratification. In total, these employers represent nearly 90 percent of the operations in San Francisco.
One hold out, Ace Parking, is continuing talks with Local 665. “We expect to have all the operators on board by the beginning of 2019” said Local 665 Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gleason.