Daly City Honors Republic, Allied Waste Workers
October 18, 2023
In a heartfelt ceremony on August 14, 2023, the City of Daly City came together to pay tribute to the unwavering commitment of Teamsters Local 350 and its members employed at Republic Services/Allied Waste Services of Daly City. This commendation was bestowed through a proclamation presented by Vice-Mayor Juslyn Manalo and the Daly City Council.
The event marked a significant moment, celebrating the dedicated efforts of this remarkable group of individuals who share deep-rooted connections with the Daly City community.
Business Representative & Political Coordinator Robert Sandoval said, “Oftentimes their work goes unnoticed and is underappreciated since it’s always done in the early mornings when the rest of society is still sleeping, but they perform such a vital function and do it with pride. A well-deserved recognition for these workers.”
Secretary-Treasurer John Bouchard also offered his perspective on this occasion: “The recognition extended through this proclamation is a testament to our membership’s dedication and unwavering efforts. We are deeply honored to be acknowledged by the City of Daly City for our members’ crucial role in keeping the city clean and functional. This honors not only our current members but those who have paved the way throughout the years.”
The proclamation reads:
“Whereas, Teamsters Local 350 has a long-standing legacy of advocating for workers’ rights, and providing its members with the tools and support necessary by actively engaging in collective bargaining on behalf of its members to secure fair, wages, improve working conditions, and comprehensive benefits; and
“Whereas, for more than 86 years, Teamsters Local 350 has been fighting and continues to fight for working-class families under the current leadership of Secretary-Treasurer, John Bouchard, and the Local Union has continued to negotiate the best contracts for its members, raising the bar for all waste division locals in the nation; and
“Whereas, Teamsters Local 350 and its members at the Republic Services/Allied Waste Services of Daly City unit deserve to be honored for all the work they contributed toward keeping the City of Daly City clean and free of waste before, during, and after the pandemic by working nonstop, and prioritizing the health and safety of the city’s residents;
“Now, therefore, be it Resolved that the office of Vice Mayor Juslyn Manalo and the rest of the Daly City Council issue this proclamation in recognition of said efforts and offer the deepest of thanks to both Teamsters 350 and their members at Republic Services/Allied Waste on behalf of all residents of Daly City.”