
Contra Costa County

Contra Costa County

Board of Supes, District 5

Board of Education

Federal Glover

Consuela Lara

City of Antioch

City Council, District 1

City Council, District 2

City Council, District 3

City Council, District 4 

Joy Motts

Tony Tiscareno

Lori Ogorchock

Monica Wilson

City of Brentwood


City Council,

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Alameda County

Board of Supervisors Dist. 2 
Richard Valle

Board of Supervisors Dist. 3
Rebecca Kaplan

Greg Ahern

County Superintendent of Schools
Alysse Castro

County Office of Education Area 7 
Cheryl Cooki-Kallio

District Attorney 
Terry Wiley

Phong La

Melissa Wilk

City of Alameda Measure B


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DBI/Golden Brands workers get union security

In November, the 103 beverage drivers at DBI/Golden  Brands in West Sacramento ratified a contract with Local 853 that includes union security. “You have to get everyone’s backing for the union or you can never get anything done,” said Business Agent Efren Alarcon.

Back in April, Local 853 had engaged in conversations with DBI about taking over the unit. “We know this company well because we represent members at DBI in San Francisco and San Jose already,” said Alarcon.

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Long-time legislative advocate Barry Broad retires

Joint Council 7 extends our warmest congratulations to Mr. Barry Broad, Legislative Director at the California Teamsters Public Affairs Council (CTPAC) on his upcoming retirement. Barry will retire at the end of 2018, after having worked for CTPAC for the past 35 years. Barry has been a ubiquitous presence in Teamster political life here in California and will be greatly missed. 

After finishing law school at UC Davis, Barry went to work as a lawyer and lobbyist for the California Teamsters Public Affairs Council,

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2018: The legislative session in review

By all measures, 2018 was an incredibly successful year for the California Teamsters. We were able to accomplish our biggest legislative priorities, and in a midterm election year, we saw Democratic super-majorities increase in both the Assembly and Senate. Teamster-backed candidates also largely prevailed in their state and congressional races. With super-majorities in both houses of the Legislature, we are well-positioned for 2019.

Below are some of our most important accomplishments this year.

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Wealthy corporate interests continue assault on working people’s freedoms; members have power in numbers to fight back

Corporations and wealthy special interests continue to ramp up their attacks on the freedoms of working people by forcing through extreme changes in law intended to destroy workers’ rights to stand together in unions.

Unions may be the only counterbalance to the growing power of corporate CEOs and the politicians they bankroll. Unions give workers a seat at the table to negotiate with bosses for fair pay, decent benefits and safe working conditions.

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